
Showing posts from February, 2018

CSPAN Fan Choice Videos

You can look at some of the videos for this years CSPAN contest and vote on your favorite from now until March 7th. StudentCam Fan Favorite

Week of Feb. 20-23

Period 1: *Read Chapter 7 from The Great Gatsby *Collected research for Zines *Working on overall design of Zine *Completed Zines due next week Period 2&5: *Read ACTS 3 & 4 (and 5 with Period 2) *Quiz on Act 1 *Collected Act 2 & 3 worksheet *Everyday Edit Quiz * Period 3,4,6: *JFK Speech annotation *Review practice AP Argumentative essays *Peer scored essays *Looked at website to help calculate AP score *Satire notes *Commonlit passage using satire / answer assessment questions *Create your own satire **Satires can be written (for example: newspaper article, essay), political cartoons, skits, or parodies If you have a question about the satire assignment see me or send me a remind message *Second Membean assessment on February 23rd PROGRESS REPORTS distributed February 23rd

Fairchild Summer Internship Program

If you are interested in a summer internship here is a great opportunity! Fairchild Gardens is offering a summer internship program for high school students interested in botany, plant biology, ecology, and molecular evolution.  Interns will be given a unique opportunity to work with researchers in Fairchild's state-of-the-art laboratories and contribute to real-world botanical studies. Here is the link: Fairchild Internship

Romeo and Juliet Monologue Recitation (Periods 2 & 5)

You will be responsible for reciting by memory one of the following monologues from Romeo and Juliet: Nurse in Act 1, scene 3 Lines 19-25 and 39-53 (Starts with Come Lammas Eve... pretty fool, it stinted and said "Ay.") Mercutio in Act 1, scene 4 Lines 58-63, 75-77, 79-81, 84-89, 91-92 (Starts with O, then I see Queen Mab... being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two) Juliet in Act 2, scene 2 Lines 36-39, 41-52 (Starts with O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?... Take all myself.) Benvolio in Act 3, scene 1 Lines 160-180 (Starts with Tybalt, here slain, whom Romeo's hand... who had but newly entertained revenge) Juliet in Act 3, scene 2 Lines 106-125 (Starts with Shall I speak ill of him... hath slain ten thousand Tybalts.) Juliet in Act 4, scene 3 Lines 41-60 (Starts with Shall I not then be stifled in the vault... I drink to thee.) You will recite your monologues on March 8th (Period 2) or 9th (Period 5)

Week of Feb. 12-16

Period 1: *Read Chapter 6 of Great Gatsby *Completed and shared group charts about the colors in the novel and their symbolism *Wrote your alter ego *Worked with art students for art component of Zines *Reading and answered questions for Commonlit passage "How Small Fibs Lead to Big Lies" Period 2&5: *Read ACTS 1,2,3 (Except Period 5 will catch up next week) *Took Drama terms quiz *Read Commonlit passage "Adolescence and the Teenage Crush" and answered assessment questions *Complete ACT 2 & 3 review worksheet for homework *Quiz on ACT 1 (Period 5 on Wednesday) Period 3,4,6: *Completed rough draft of Elie Wiesel prompt *Completed a practice AP Argumentative essay prompt *Peer scored practice AP prompt (Period 3 will do on Wednesday) *Read President Clinton speech and answered assessment questions (due on Feb. 16th all periods)

Community Service Opportunities

If you collect soda tabs or want to start collecting soda tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, I will give you an hour for every 50 tabs you bring me. There is also an opportunity coming up on Saturday, February 24th through the Museum of Science. It is called Citizen Science Workday where they will be doing beach clean-up on Virginia Key. Here is the link to register:  Citizen Science Workday

Week of Feb. 5-9

Period 1: *Read Chapters 4 & 5 of The Great Gatsby *Completed ACT practice packet *Turned in Character Charts *Turned in written element for Zines *Completed chart for the symbolism of colors in the novel Period 2 & 5: *Submitted Peer Review assignment for Of Mice and Men essays *Submitted final drafts of essays *Watched video on the life and times of Shakespeare *Learned about the sonnet structure *Read "America" a sonnet by Claude McKay *On your own completed a Kahoot quiz on Shakespeare *Students will write their own sonnet for homework Here is the link to the Kahoot to review Drama terms:  Drama Terms Review Period 3,4,6: *Submitted final drafts of Price Gouging essay *Completed a reflection of price gouging essay *Learned a strategy for argumentative essays for the AP exam *Completing practice Elie Wiesel prompt in class * Elie Wiesel "Peril's of Indifference" Speech

Introduction to Shakespeare (Periods 2 & 5)

In class you watched the video about Shakespeare's life and times. Here is the link:  Shakespeare Life and Times You will complete a Kahoot quiz based on the information from the video. Here is the link to the Kahoot:  Shakespeare quiz I also introduced you to sonnets. We read together the sonnet by Claude McKay "America" and for homework will write your own sonnet. You must upload your sonnet to and you must follow the English Sonnet rhyme scheme: ababcdcdefefgg As far as the topic of your sonnet is concerned, you can pick your own topic. If you would like to challenge yourself, try to include iambic pentameter in each line. *Remember an iamb is one unstressed syllable next to a stressed syllable and you would have five iambs to equal a pentameter . Make sure to signin with your name for Kahoot so I can give you credit for completing it.

Week of Jan. 29 - Feb 2

Period 1: *Read Chapter 2 & 3 of The Great Gatsby *Continue filling out character chart *Turn in covers for Zines *ACT Practice *Complete assessment for Roaring Twenties passage on Commonlit **Written element for Zines due on Tuesday Period 2 & 5: *Everyday Edit practice *Of Mice and Men rough drafts and peer edit assignment *Completed Writescore assessment Period 3,4,6: *Price Gouging rough drafts due *Giving feedback on essays *Complete assessment questions for "Capitalism" and "Life is not Fair" on Commonlit *Final drafts due on next week **Illustration below may give you some insight into the Price Gouging argument.