First two weeks of school

AP Classes:

  • Read excerpt from House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
  • Wrote "My Name" piece based on Sandra's piece
  • Read "Why Your Name Matters" article from The New Yorker
  • Took practice PSAT verbal section
  • Took practice AP Multiple Choice section
  • Analyzed "Give me liberty or give me death" speech by Patrick Henry using the Rhetorical Triangle and appeals of Ethos, Logos, Pathos
  • Presented speeches from American rhetoric website in class using the Rhetorical Triangle and appeals
  • Began working on the introduction of Rhetorical Analysis essay

English III Honors Class:

  • Read excerpt from House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
  • Wrote "My Name" piece based on Sandra's piece
  • Read "Why Your Name Matters" article from The New Yorker
  • Took practice PSAT verbal section
  • Worked in groups using stories from Native American tribes
  • Read speech from Patrick Henry and Puritans
  • Finished Commonlit questions for homework
  • Wrote summary of the Declaration of Independence

English I Gifted:
  • Read poem "Where I am From"
  • Created your own "Where I am From" poems
  • Answered questions from Grit and Eclipse on Commonlit for homework
  • Took practice PSAT verbal section
  • Began notes on what an Epic poem is and the elements of an Epic
  • Took Writescore writing pretest
  • Began reading Books 1-9 of The Odyssey
All classes working on membean vocabulary program.


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