Week of October 3-6

Period 1:

  • Continued reading "The Crucible" and completing Theme chart for Acts 1 & 2.
  • PSAT Workbook practice (finished section 1)

Period 2 & 5:

  • Watched brief video about Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Read "The Old Man with Enormous Wings" and answered assessment questions
  • Analytical essay on why people go on journeys. 
  • Watch introduction video about PeaceJam and write comment on blog

Period 3,4,6:

  • PSAT Practice workbook
  • Intro to Visual Rhetoric
  • Selected images from news and advertisement to analyze
  • First assessment for membean in given (Oct. 6th)
    • Next membean assessment will be Oct 20th

Important Dates:

October 11th -- PSAT (Bring ID, number 2 pencil and calculator)


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