So Many Events!!!!
Monday, Period 2 presented their Billion Acts projects and you guys did a great job.
If you are interested in seeing the pictures I took here is the link: Period 2 Billion Acts
Wednesday, my AP students participated in the World Energy Game and helped negotiate a mock treaty to get the world's temperature below two degrees by the year 2100. Here is the link to those pictures for those who are interested: World Energy Game
Thursay, Period 5 presented their Billion Acts projects and you guys did a great job as well.
Here is the link to those pictures: Period 5 Billion Acts
Since you all did such a great job you can have Monday, May 28th off. ENJOY!
If you are interested in seeing the pictures I took here is the link: Period 2 Billion Acts
Wednesday, my AP students participated in the World Energy Game and helped negotiate a mock treaty to get the world's temperature below two degrees by the year 2100. Here is the link to those pictures for those who are interested: World Energy Game
Thursay, Period 5 presented their Billion Acts projects and you guys did a great job as well.
Here is the link to those pictures: Period 5 Billion Acts
Since you all did such a great job you can have Monday, May 28th off. ENJOY!
Umm... there's no school Monday, May 28th.