Welcome to Mrs. Manfra's page!

Hi students!  Whether you are in my English I, English III or AP Lang class, I want you to refer to this blog page in case technology crashes and this is the only way to stay in touch and keep working on assignments.

If you are feeling anxious or frustrated you are not alone.  I want you to focus on learning while we are in this virtual environment and not so much on grades.  Don't get me wrong, I will still be grading you, but there will be a variety of ways to show me that you understand the material.

There will be informal projects, exit slips, short writing, and even one-on-one phone calls or Zooms to make sure if you don't understand a concept I get you up to speed.

With that said, here is my first introduction assignment for you.

Watch this music lyric video and decide whether you want to email me, write a comment below, or have a one-on-one discussion where you address how this song impacted you.   Here are some questions to help you think of ways to respond. Does it remind you of what is going on in the world now and how we need to address the changes going on?  Does it make you feel positive and that you will get through this?  Is there a particular line that speaks to you?


  1. This song impacted me because it reminded me that even with what is going on in the world right now, we can address these changes by having the courage to make it through and recover from it. This song certainly makes me feel positive and makes me feel like I can get through the occurring pandemic. Also, the line that impacted me the most was, "it's the heart that really matters in the end". This line impacted me because it made me realize what the most important thing is, having a good heart, in order to get through the rough times.

  2. This song impacted me because it reminded me that even with what is going on in the world right now, we can address these changes by having the courage to make it through and recover from it. This song certainly makes me feel positive and makes me feel like I can get through the occurring pandemic. Also, the line that impacted me the most was, "it's the heart that really matters in the end". This line impacted me because it made me realize what the most important thing is, having a good heart, in order to get through the rough times.

    Daniel Lewis

    11th grade

  3. This song does remind me of what we are all going through right now. The lines, "Oh, these twists and turns of fate.Time falls away. But these small hours.These little wonders. Still remain."speak to me the most since it made me realize that the setbacks we face will eventually go away and the little moments that we experience in our lives are most meaningful and will stay in our memory forever. It makes me feel hopeful and it makes me not focus on the negative things that are currently happening.

    Antonella Garbarini (Period 1)

  4. When I listened to this song, I related to the lyrics in regards to the crisis going on right now. It reminds me that despite of the hardships and the constant pressures around us, if we rely on our heart and stay optimistic, these times will go by. The song represents positive action and leaving the pain behind in order to keep going forward through this pandemic. A particular line that spoke to me was, "...but I cannot forget the way I feel right now". I still feel disheartened when I am away from my friends at this time, but I know in the end, we will all get though it. The lyric shows that even though you cannot forget the experience, everything will resolve eventually and "wash away some how".

    Olivia Jaramillo
    P. 1

  5. Honestly when I first listened to the song I didn't think much of the lyrics, but when I replayed it and tried to to apply it to the struggles going on in the world right now it made much more sense to me. The song seems to be telling the listener to move forward no matter what bad is going on in their life and to not hold onto the little things because better things are bound to come. As for what affect the song has on me, it doesn't necessarily make me feel positive because at the end of the day although it is supposed to be a rather motivational and moving song it also makes you somewhat reminisce the past. "It's the heart that really matters in the end," is the lyric that speaks to me the most because if you yourself think positively you can make it through anything.

    Sabreena Joa

  6. This song definitely relates to the challenges we are facing everyday. The lines "Let your troubles fall behind you" and "it's the heart that really matters in the end" really impacted me because everyone has a lot of different things stressing them out, especially right now during the pandemic. Although everyone is going through a difficult time, it's important to step away from the things that stress you out and look at the "little wonders" of life, at all the moments that make you feel happy and at peace, at your family, friends, pets, and all of the memories and laughter you share with them. These special moments, or "small hours", are our heart. In spite of everything going on, and even if it might seem like there is more bad than good going on in the world, the little wonders of life are what matter. They are the reason we can go through a pandemic and come out smiling, and the things that make life worth living.

    Jessica Monroy. (Period 1)

  7. Wesley Gelinas
    Period 1
    I believe that this not only relates to today's struggles but also provides advice relevant and necessary to current times. I interpenetrated the line "these small hours, still remain" not as time but as small aspects of life that are better than the majority of panic and sorrow. While still keeping in mind the "twists and turns of fate" featured in the news, we should also focus on the good parts of our life like friends and family. The lines that impacted me most were
    "Let your clarity define you
    in the end
    we will only just remember how it feels"
    I interpreted these lines as meaning that while the crisis will eventually be over the memories of what we lost will exist. I do not agree with the advice given at the beginning saying "let it roll right off your shoulder". I believe that while we should focus on the good parts, we should not forget about everything else that is occurring.

  8. When I first listened to the song I immediately made the connection with the struggles going on in the world today. It really urges the listener to persevere regardless of the struggles they may be going through seen in the lyrics "Time falls away. But these small hours.These little wonders. Still remain" and "Let your troubles fall behind you". The lines speak about how even though there may be many challenges and difficulties you may be facing, it is best to pay attention to the little wonders of life that motivate you to keep working to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This song makes me reminisce about good memories I have made with friends which makes me sad but then after it makes me more positive by helping me see the good and gives me hope. A line that really stood out to me was "it's the heart that really matters in the end", these lines really impacted me because it explains that the struggles aren't what define you, but your character and heart.
    Isabella Velez
    Period 1

  9. This song has a powerful message that reminds its listeners to enjoy the small things. Many of us tend to fly through life at a tremendously fast speed, which doesn't leave time to savor the small moments. The songs mentions that "Time falls away/ but these small hours", to me that means that even though everything will eventually fade away and come to an end but the "small hours" are something that should be cherished and remembered. Additionally, the line "Its the heart that really matters in the end" stood out to me because I truly believe that your material possessions or successes don't matter at the end of the day, rather your characters and your love for others are what will be remembered by others when you leave this earth.
    Jillian Spiegelman
    Period 5

  10. I really, personally feel that this meaningful song truly displays and resonates to the obstacles implemented on our paths in life that are meant to bring us down however, our resilience and ability of sustainability is what keeps our feet embedded to the ground without deteriorating or breaking apart. This song does remind me of the hardship of our world because of the compromises we have had to make in order to adapt and camouflage with the new norm. It certainly drives one's way of reaching their fate but doesn't change the path of direction to reach it. This lyric in the song "These little wonders, still remain" advocates the fact that despite how hard life can hit, the memories shared with a loved one or confidant will always be cherished and nobody, not even global issues could extract that from an individual.

    Robbie Chamoun (Period 5)

  11. Gabrielle Bourne Period 5
    This song reminded me that life does get better. We all go through hardships and will remember how those obstacles made us feel, but at the end of the day we can get past those difficulties. This song makes me think of current times. COVID has affected us all in so many different ways. We will always remember 2020 and the emotions it brought to us, but it’ll just make us better people. The line, “Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder don’t you know the hardest part is over,” really speaks to me and reassures the notion that after a challenge we can get better and let go of what is making us sad. We all come out stronger in the end!

  12. This song has made me feel like although we are going through a very tough time right now, we can get through it. By having a positive mindset and having hope, we can get through this and get through anything. “These little wonders still remain” spoke out to me because of the way we will remember this time and this pandemic for the rest of our lives and how society has changed due to this.

    Matthew Sola Period 3

  13. After listening to this song and really paying attention to the lyrics it reminded me of the craziness and empowerment going on right now as we speak. The song helps me realize that it does help to relax and breath. The world may be crazy at times but you still need to breath and not stress yourself too much. At a time like this it's important to not stress yourself too much because it may lead to other serious problems. For example, in the song it mentions "we will only just remember how it feels." The song does help me feel positive and that I will get through it because of the lines "Time falls away but these small hours, these small hours still remain." Those lines helped me remember that in the future this will be a story for the books that will forever remain in our memories. We may be going through rough patches right now but one day it will be an interesting story that we will tell our future families. We may not feel strong and brave, but we are because these are the moments that will impact and change our future. The lines I would say spoke to me the most were "All of my regret will wash away somehow but I cannot forget the way I feel right now…"

    Melissa Perez (Period 3)

  14. This song does remind me of what's going on in the world currently as we are living in a pandemic which represents a rough time for the world, but us humans are slowly overcoming it by adapting to the new "normal." This song represents positive energy can help you overcome any obstacle set before you. Hardships and struggle can always get better and be defeated. This is how we need to look at the situation the world is going through right now and I believe it's going that way as we have adjusted and advanced our daily life styles a lot more since March. A line in the song that really spoke to me was, "let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder don't you know the hardest part is over let it in." This line represents all the bad being over with and to open your arms to positive energy and letting the negatives go.

  15. This song really spoke to me because recently I have been stressed out with ACT homework, school, and corona. This song made me realize that I will overcome these obstacles. This song also reminds me what is going on in today’s society because many people are asking themselves, “Is this ever going to end?,” which it is! The line that really spoke to me is “Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder don’t you know the hardest part is over,” because it symbolizes how we can let go of all the issues going on right now and soon it will all be over! Overall, this is a beautiful song that reassures me that the issues going on right now will eventually be in the past.

    Gabriella Cordero
    Period 5 8/2/20

  16. This song does represent what is happening in the world at the moment. Everyone is scared and overwhelmed due to the pandemic and the other issues going on. While listening to this song I realized that everything will resolve itself in the end as long as you have a positive attitude. We all need to adapt as a community and come together to face these obstacles. These lyrics showed that in the end things will get better and you just have to have a positive attitude during these tough times. The lyrics that stood out the most to me were "Time falls away. But these small hours.These little wonders. Still remain" and "Let your troubles fall behind you". These lyrics show that even though we are all facing certain challenges in our lives, it is best to focus on the positive and leave the negativity behind.

    Miranda Cardoso Period 1.

  17. When I first listened to the song I did not pay attention to the lyrics and the meaning behind the words. However, after replaying it I began to focus on the lyrics and apply them to the world today. The lines that spoke to me were, "Our lives are made In these small hours These little wonders These twists and turns of fate." The way I interpreted these lines were that everything happens for a reason. Especially during Covid-19, a pandemic, everyone is going through a tough time. We need continue to be optimistic and understand that everything will be ok in the end. We just need to continue living.

    Grace Lannon
    Period 3

  18. This song reminds me of the times were going through right now. We are going through a very tough time right now and we need to be reminded that there is sunshine on the other side. We are over coming this pandemic slowly but surely. The lyrics "These twist and turns of fate" make you realize that there is moments in time when your fate is twisting and turning. This video gives a little hope that we might get through this and maybe its just fate.

  19. This song is a great representation of what we are currently going through. During these tough times we have to remain positive and just be patient. When the singers says "twists and turns of fate" it is an example of the pandemic. Nobody though much of it a the time until it got worse. But we just have to push through and be safe because that's the only thing we can do.

    Brandon Pallares
    Period 1

  20. This song reminds me of the times we are going through now due to the pandemic and other world issues that are going on causing us to be living in tough times. The song definitely makes me feel positive and gives hope that we will get through these times. This song shows me that by keeping a positive mindset I can overcome any issue that comes in my path. The line that really speaks to me the most is "let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder don't you know the hardest part is over let it in" because we have to see the good parts of life and these horrible times will be over. This video shows me to always have hope because things will always get better.

    Aileene Salmeron
    Period 1

  21. This song really represents everything that is currently going on in the world with the pandemic that has forced all of us to physically and even emotionally separate from each other. Like the song says "Time falls away. But these small hours.These little wonders. Still remain", this to me means that while we may be going through a rough time, time will eventually pass and we will only be left with all the memories. Because of this, it is a better use of our time to look on the bright side and be as positive as one can be so that when this is finally over, we all have the good memories to look back on.

  22. As I was listening to this song, it spoke to me in many ways. It reminds me of the tough times and hardships we go through in life, especially with the pandemic and to always see the light at the end of every tunnel. It reminds me that no matter what battles you are facing, just remember these hard times will make you stronger in the end. The line, "our lives are made in these small hours", in this song helps me realize that when going through hard times, always remember to cherish the small moments in life because life goes by in the blink of an eye. Getting through life with having faith and hope in every little thing makes life a little bit easier and more precious. No matter how hard life hits you, keep moving forward. Because that is all we can really do.

    Mariana Biederstedt
    Period 3

  23. As listening the song "Little Wonders" was a great song that represented how time passes by. Though you may face many hardships and challenges. But through the challenges there are memories that we look back at and try to make the best of ourselves. Even though some of our memories are filled with regret, we can still build upon them. Overall this song tells us that we should cherish what time we have.

  24. The song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas does remind me of what is going on currently in the world. This is because due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to get consumed in all the craziness going on all around us. But the song reminds us to let all of this "roll right off your shoulder" or "let your troubles fall behind you," meaning to not let troubles or worries get to you, because it will soon be over. This song does make me feel positive, and that me, along with everyone else will get through this. A particular line that spoke to me was the line "And I don't mind if it's me you need to turn to we'll get by.'' This line particularly spoke to me because it shows that you can always rely on a friend or family member or anyone to help you, and reminding us that we will all get through hardships together.

    Branden Damus
    Period 3

  25. Listening to the song reminded me of the mindset we must have during a time like this. I tried applying it specifically to the pandemic and the struggles and negativity is has brought. Instead of focusing on the negative, the song tells you to see the light in things and carry on. The lyric “Let it slide, Let your troubles fall behind you, Let it shine, Til you feel it all around you” particularly stood out to me. The line explains how to keep a good and positive mentality in a world where we are constantly facing new struggles or hardships. Overall, the song makes me feel hopeful for the future and excited to make more memories.

    Micaela Fernandez
    Period 1

  26. The song truly spoke to me in a profound manner because it put today’s issues in perspective. This unprecedented and unfortunate pandemic has turned our lives upside down. Yet, we always overcome obstacles and eventually succeeds . The following lines from the song that go, “Our lives are made in these small hours. There little wonders. These twists and turns of fate.” truly spoke to me because it implies that in our short life, we can accomplish such amazing things. I understand that everyone feels overwhelmed in the midst of this pandemic; However, we should all seek the silver lining, and live life to our fullest potential. Remember, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!!!!
    Jorge Perez – Lacayo

  27. This song impacted me because it greatly reminds me of what is going on today with the virus and how its preventing us from having normal lives. But like the song says, "the hardest part is over" and things are starting to get better in the world. We get to go back to school, sports are back, and restaurants are opening but still only letting in a limited amount of people. This song makes me feel hopeful for the future that we will be able to get through this and come out better in the end.
    James Fourqurean
    P. 1

  28. The song definitely reminds me of what is going on in the world now. Since the world is changing, the song addresses the fact that no matter the changes, we must push forward and stay strong through these struggling times, especially since these struggles will soon disappear and be over. The song induces a positive mindset and certainly gives the courage to push through, which in these times is very helpful as many can get stressed and anxious as a result of such rapid changes to one's lifestyle. The line that truly spoke to me is, "it's the heart that really matters in the end." I find this line most inspiring because it is true, in the end once all the struggles go away, you're own mindset and feelings will still remain, so having a positive outcome through something as troubling as this pandemic may bring about positive effects in the future.
    Ronald Dominguez - P1

  29. As I was listening, I went through many different emotions. When I first heard it, I remembered that I've heard this song before in a kids movie that I used to watch a lot. I can't seem to remember which movie right now, but it made me feel some form of nostalgia. As I kept listening, the words "these twists and turns of fate" along with "time fall away" made me realize how fast time has gone by in my life and all the changes that have happened. Throughout these past few years and months, so much has happened personally and in society that I feel like I'm not a little kid anymore. Whether it be the death of my grandfather or the social injustice that is happening in this country, the song reminds me that we're all here for a reason and in order to find that reason, we have to grow up.
    Sofia Montero-Rorrer

  30. This song impacted me as it reminded me of what we are going through right now, that even though we are going through a difficult time that it will get better. "Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder don't you know the hardest part is over let it in", because even though the pandemic has severely affected us it is going to get better soon. It is reassuring and gives hope that everything will all end up ok!
    Mariam Orabi
    Period 1

  31. This song impacted me by reminding me that despite the obstacles that I am currently going through in my life, be it struggles with school, family, or other things, I should enjoy the little things in life, for time passes by quick and what remains is the memories I remember. The song does remind me of what is currently going on in the world and reminds me that even though we are currently going through a complicated and tiresome time, things will eventually get better and we will get past this strenuous times and into better, brighter times. We have to address the changes that are currently going on in the world by trying to let go of the dark events that have occurred these past months ("Let it go, Let it roll right off your shoulder"), and by trying to keep our hopes up and think positively of whats gonna happen in the future ("Let it in, Let your clarity define you"). The song does help me feel positive about the future and reminds me to keep a positive attitude about just not the Coronavirus situation but other worries that currently plague my mind. A few particular lines that speak to me are, "Our lives are made, In these small hours...Time falls away, But these small hours, These small hours still remain". Something Ive noticed these last few years is how time has seen to passed me by so quickly. One moment I was a scared 5 year old attending her first day of Kindergarten, the next I'm a nervous 6th grader, and in a blink of an eye, here I am, in junior year. What stands out most from those past memories are the happy moments I had, be it with friends or family, not the numerous stressful situations or difficulties I faced( which while still remembered, are not the memories I usually look back to). This realization has changed the way I think and act these past couple years. I've started trying to stress less about small things and things I can't control and instead have focused on the brighter side of things and trying to make more great memories with my loved ones that will last a life time. Currently this feels like the beginning of a long year but I know that in another blink of an eye, Ill be older and thinking about how time went by so fast, so I intend to make the most of it while I can.
    Daniela Urquiola
    Period 1

  32. This song reminds me that we take so much for granted. The pandemic going on is a perfect example of that. We are now realizing how we were taking socializing and enjoying the outdoors for granted. "Let your troubles fall behind you, let it shine until you feel it all around you" is a quote the speaks to me because life is precious, but it is also short, so no matter how low you are, things will always get better so you should keep pushing forward instead of letting the negatives hold you back.
    Agustin Espinosa
    Period 3

  33. This song makes me feel that even though we are amidst a global pandemic, we can fight through anything and get through the hard times in life. It shows that we must learn to take the positive out of the negative in any way we can.
    Alex Triana
    Period 2

  34. This song can remind us that through dark times or "twists and turns" that we must let go of these negative feelings and have hope for something positive that may come. For example, the line "Let your troubles fall behind you" tells us to let go of negative emotions holding us back because something good can come out of these rough times, such as "It's the heart that really matters in the end." This song can provide hope for anyone going through rough times, such as during this pandemic where social isolation makes us feel insignificant and helpless, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel because eventually things will be back to normal.
    Victoria Hernandez P.1


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