Welcome to Mrs. Manfra's page!
Hi students! Whether you are in my English I, English III or AP Lang class, I want you to refer to this blog page in case technology crashes and this is the only way to stay in touch and keep working on assignments. If you are feeling anxious or frustrated you are not alone. I want you to focus on learning while we are in this virtual environment and not so much on grades. Don't get me wrong, I will still be grading you, but there will be a variety of ways to show me that you understand the material. There will be informal projects, exit slips, short writing, and even one-on-one phone calls or Zooms to make sure if you don't understand a concept I get you up to speed. With that said, here is my first introduction assignment for you. Watch this music lyric video and decide whether you want to email me, write a comment below, or have a one-on-one discussion where you address how this song impacted you. Here are some questions to help you think of ways to resp...
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