Returning from Hurricane Irma

As we all try to get back to normalcy after Irma I want to refresh where we left off and what I have planned:
Period 1--
  • We left off with summarizing the Declaration of Independence and answering questions on Commonlit for the Declaration and Bill of Rights.
  • We will be moving on with Puritan literature by starting the Crucible.

Period 2 & 5--
  • We left off with the quiz on the Greek Epic notes and Books 1-9 events.
  • We read up to Odysseus returning to Ithaca and defeating the suitors.
  • We will finish reading the excerpt from the Odyssey.
  • A Greek Urn project will be issued in class.
Periods 3,4,&6--
  • We left off with the rough draft of Rhetorical Analysis essay (intro and body paragraphs in class).
  • We started PSAT practice packet.
  • We will be finishing the rough draft of the Rhetorical Analysis essay and continuing with PSAT practice.
  • We will also be continuing with colonial literature ("Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon and "The Minister's Black Veil") 
**Make assignments (like membean) will be dealt with on an individual basis.
**Hoping to see everyone soon.

Image result for survived Irma


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