Introduction to PeaceJam (Periods 2&5)

We are going to begin discussing a program called PeaceJam in class over the next few weeks.
I want you to watch the following video that gives a brief history of how PeaceJam got started and I want you to post a comment below telling me what you think about the program and whether you are interested in what it has to offer?
If you have heard about the program before let me know in your comment.
Make sure you have posted a comment by midnight, October 8th.
Your post is worth 5 points.


  1. Before watching this video I had never heard of PeaceJam but I would definitely be interested in this program because it gives students a great opportunity to meet influential role models from around the world .Hearing from a Nobel Peace Prize winner would be a very beneficial experience, where students could hear about that persons succeses and greatest achievements. I think that all students presented with this opportunity should take it because they would learn a lot, have fun, and it's a chance they may never be presented with again.

  2. I had, quite frankly, never even heard the mention of PeaceJam prior to the video. Although, I am very interested in what this program has to offer. Within this organization, young adolescent minds are exposed to the teachings of inspiring role models, particularly Nobel Peace Prize winners. These are all individuals who have been commended for their outstanding promotion of amity. Thus, allowing for our cognizance to expand further and giving us a leader to look up to. By having them speak to the younger generations, it broadens our horizons and with each new individual we gain some insight and perspective on the world. Therefore, this program is incredibly beneficial since it provides a one of a kind experience, that we must take advantage of.

  3. I had no knowledge about PeaceJam previously. After watching the video and familiarizing myself with the concept of the organization, I believe its spectacular. Giving the youth a chance to view the world with such accomplished people as Nobel Peace Prize winners is a chance the participants would have never had or possibly even thought of. Also, informing students on career paths and the life stories of the Nobel Prize winners is something so amazing that allows at risk youth (like the kids the founder spoke about in the video) to see that they have many options and encouraging them to do great things later on as adults. Personally I would really enjoy learning even more about PeaceJam and seeing the results and impacts it's had on youth.

  4. Before watching the video, I had no idea what PeaceJam was and what it was about as an organization. While watching the video, I couldn't believe it when the man said he was trying to get Nobel Peace Prize winners to talk to kids because it seems like such an impossible task that seemed almost too good to be true. After finishing the video, I believe and completely support the idea of getting kids to talk to these brilliant people and be able to ask questions about their success and how they were able to get where they are today. This gives the opportunity for kids to have respectable and intelligent individuals as role models rather than 'following in the footsteps' of popular icons who promote drug use, alcohol consumption, violence, and inequality. All in all, I look forward to learning more about PeaceJam and all it has to offer and how we can be involved.

  5. I think this a great opportunity for young people to learn and understand how the mindset of these very successful people work.

  6. This is an interesting program I haven't hear till today. It could be use to help other learn to be peaceful and cooperate by talking to those who have accomplish noble peace prizes. This can overall benefit the community and allows the youth to solve problems rationally and without violence.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think that PeaceJam is a really good idea. PeaceJam is a great way to help inspire other people to go out and help their community. This is very interesting and I can't wait to learn more about it. Matthew Schuh period 2

  9. I never heard about PeaceJam but I really like what it has to offer. It's a great inspiration for kids like myself to go out and help people and contribute to the world. I think this is an interesting program and I can't wait to be a part of it. Jazmin Arroyo Period 2

  10. I had no clue what PeaceJam was before watching this video. After watching this video, I think PeaceJam is interesting. They are trying to get Nobel Peace Prize winners to talk to children. I think that if they hear from such a respected figure they will be influenced and go into a positive direction. They can learn how those winners became so impactful and influential.

  11. Before watching this video I did not know what PeaceJam was. Now that I know what it is, I find it very interesting. It is amazing how normal everyday people with a great idea can start up this cool program. I am interested in what it has to offer because the idea of getting Nobel Peace Prize winners to talk to children, will inspire many and is such a wonderful idea. It will make an impact on a young individual's life.
    -Miranda Perez (Period 5)

  12. Before watching this video i had never heard of PeaceJam. After watching the video and learning about what PeaceJam is, i find this program very interesting. This program provides a great opportunity for children to meet Noble Peace Prize winners. Meeting these influential people will have an impactful effect on these children and steer the children in the right direction away from violence and how to solve problems peacefully. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that should be taken advantage of. - Alexandra Ortega Period 5

  13. Before watching the video, I had no knowledge of PeaceJam. After watching the video, I think this program is very interesting and a great idea. Nobel Peace Prize winners have done so much to affect the way people look at the world. Getting children to meet them will hopefully provide very positive effect on them. It will show a better example than violence and that it isn't the answer to all the world's problems, which is a message that deserves to be shared. - Saylor Hokien Period 5

  14. I thought the video was inspiring, showing that anyone can change the world, including the [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1)̲̅$̲̅] and 79¢ man. It also indirectly showed that it takes time and effort. This is shown at 1:20 in the video. Ryan Rodriguez Period 2

  15. I didn't know that the Peace Jam existed before i saw the video in class. I think that it is a great program. It allows young people like kids to meet people who have won the Nobel Prize. It is inspiring and teaches that anybody can do what they want if they work hard enough- Javier Sanchez Period 2

  16. I have never heard of Peace Jam before this video was assigned to me. Even though I just heard about it I like what the program is trying to do. Young kids nowadays need something like this to keep them from doing the bad things. I like where this program is heading and I’m very inspired by this program
    William King Period 2

  17. This new program sounds like an excellent way tn expand my views on the world. Speaking with and learning about nobel-prize winners would definitely be an educational experience. It would also give me an excellent opportunity to make them my role models! PeaceJam is an interesting group, and I am excited to learn more with and about it!

    1. ^^above comment is Alessandra Gonzalez from period 2

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. After watching this video I was inspired by how hard two individuals were willing to work to create the Peace Jam giving young kids a once in a lifetime opportunity. I believe this program gives youth some inspiration and willingness to strive for a goal in life. Being able to meet with a nobel peace prize winner would not only be educational but also life changing. Cant wait to start learning about it in class!

    Isabella Yedo
    Period 5

  19. I have never heard of Peace Jam, but after viewing this video I am glad to be introduced to it. This program is valuable because it gives lessons that day to day school does not teach on its own. It will also be amazing to meet the good people who have won Nobel Peace prizes, and listen to what they have to share.

  20. Kevin Lopez
    Period 2

    PeaceJam was something i never even knew about and it is actually a great idea! The idea of putting together Nobel Prize winners that have such big accomplishments throughout their lives and kids that need help from stopping them from doing bad things can be a great experience and can teach the kid what to do and what not to do. This idea is definitely a great educational experience for the kid that they though was right was actually wrong this whole time.

  21. PeaceJam is a great opportunity for us. With this program you can learn from Nobel Peace Prize winners who were recognized for their intelligence. This allows us to listen to some of the worlds most influential people. This would be very educational for the younger generation.

    Sofia Saiz Period 2

  22. I did not have any knowledge on PeaceJam. After watching the video it is something i am very interested in, it gives us education on some of the most influential people that have come before us. This experience can open doors to this generation to strive for a much bigger, better goal in life.

    Clarissa Sacarello Period 2

  23. Adrian Torres
    Period 5
    Before watching this video I had never heard of Peace Jam. But now it seems like a very productive and educational program. Meeting a Nobel Prize winner is a chance of a lifetime and will teach kids a lot of important life values and lessons. Those Nobel Prize winners know how to be successful and can teach kids how to achieve their own goals.

  24. I have never heard of this particular project before, but I have seen similar organizations working to achieve a cause of equally similar nature. I also have never been one to be an active member of a community for various reasons, but this could be a good time to start (as I will need to get used to contributing for my 100 hours of volunteering). I am guessing we will go over this in detail during class, so I will make up my mind on whether or not I am interested when that time comes.

    Also, the majority of these comments are exceedingly formal. I thought the purpose of this was to make us sound less formal and objective, and try voicing our opinions in a more informal manner. Either way is fine, just a little surprised to see this all things considered :P

    1. Oh yeah, I am Justin Gonzalez from Period 5

  25. Genesis Pacheco Period 5
    I have never heard of the program Peace Jam before, but it seems interesting and a great way to interact with people who were able to succeed in bringing peace and have gotten a worldwide recognition for it. It is a great program for people who aspire to be like these winners, and who have been inspired by them, and I would be interested in participating in Peace Jam.

  26. Jackson Margulies
    Period 5

    I have never heard of this program before, and after watching the video I have learned that it is about the story of a man who wanted to change the lives of young people and to bring peace. He wanted to achieve this by getting Nobel Peace Prize winners to come and influence young people, and to share their thoughts with them, influencing them into good ideals and peacefulness. He teamed up with a woman and tried to raise money for an airplane trip to go visit the Dalai Lama and to tell him about their idea. They went to many neighbors and friends, searching for donations to the journey, and eventually got enough money to pay for the trip, they went to the Dalai Lama and told him about his idea, to which he liked very much and said that he would get into contact with others. I think that this is a very great story in the way that it is about a man with a dream that would seem impossible, but he pursues it for the cause to benefit the world, and achieves it. I would definitely like to be in this program as I can learn from it and benefit greatly from it, and that I can learn from people who have went very far in life (the Nobel Peace Prize winners), who can influence others to be like them.

  27. Christopher Moreira
    Period 5
    Before watching this video I have never heard about the Peace Jam program. I believe that this a great program because kids get to meet with Noble Peace prize winners and be educated from these winners about peace and hopefully be impacted by the winners and take it among themselves to create more peace around the world. Also I am interested in this amazing program and cant wait to see what it has to offer.

  28. Aidan cruz
    Period 5
    I have never heard of PeaceJam before and I like what it has to offer. It exposes kids to Nobel Peace Prize winners and it can impact there way of thinking or acting in a huge way for the rest of their lives. I find The concept and idea of this program very interesting.

  29. Alejandro Sandoval P.1
    Prior to this video i had never seen PeaceJam, but it does pique my interest. It appears to be a program which could be very beneficial to my experiences and knowledge by coming into contact with very wise and successful role models, who can show you many things from experience, which is the best way to learn. It is definitely an opportunity that should not be taken for granted, for these kinds of opportunities, that are this valuable don't really come very often. It could really help shape me into a better, smarter person, and i am very excited at the prospect of learning more about this program.

  30. I believe PeaceJam is a new and exciting experience that everyone should be a part of. It’s a great way to get people out of the house and help out in their community, even if it’s just for an hour or two. Before watching this video, I never even heard of this program, but now that I have a good idea of it, I want to be a part of it. I CANT WAIT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IT! (Kevin Alvarez - Period 5)

  31. I have never heard of ;Peace Jam before and i'm surprised i haven't. It seems like such a great program.
    sam suarez
    period 5

  32. Before watching the video I had no idea what was the PeaceJam was ,but after watching the video I'm very interested in the PeaceJam and I like the way how everybody help everybody else in the PeaceJam. I've been dealing with issues uploading it so I don't know if it turned in on time and if it shows my name.
    Ryan Toffoli

  33. I had never heard of peace jam before this video. I think it is very cool and I like how teens are able to meet Noble Peace Prize winners and speak to them. The students who get to talk to to the recipients of the award are very lucky and learn how they received the award and why they received it. I am very interested in this and I would love to participate in this one day.

    Kate Gonçalves

  34. Alexa Wehbe
    Period 5
    I had no knowledge of the program Peacejam before watching this video. I find it quite interesting and think it will help students understand more what exactly these Noble Prize winners do. This program can also help to teach others how they can get started on their own cause and will certainly help us make a better society.

  35. Victor San Martin
    Period 5
    I had no prior knowledge of PeaceJam before watching the video. Now that I've seen this video I feel like this idea gives students like us an opportunity to see how these Nobel Peace Prize Winners changed the world and how we can do the same. It really inspires us to push for change and what we want to see in the world.

  36. Michael Medina
    Period 5
    I had no idea what PeaceJam was before i watched this video. I feel this idea of "PeaceJam" is a nice way to show all students why these people have obtained the Nobel peace prize that have never known about the recipients of the the Nobel prize. This program has the ability to inspire many people around the world and help them achieve their dreams.


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