The Crucible Project (Period 1)

Once we finish reading the play you will be responsible for completing one of the following projects:

A. Create an alphabet book where each letter of the alphabet represents something from the play.
      Example: A for Abigail -- one of the main girls that is accusing women in the town of being a witch.

B. Create the front page of a newsletter for Salem where you write at least four articles.  Your articles can explain events from the play, analyze a character(s), and/or give an opinion about the events.

C. Create a collage that represents different ideas from the play.  You can have images of people that represent the characters, symbols that represent the themes, etc. to create the collage.

D. Create a Bio-Poem for one of the characters from the play.  Use the following format:
Line 1: Your first name
Line 2: Four words you would use to describe yourself
Line 3: Begin your line with “Related to” and tell about 3 family members you are related to and tell something special about each
Line 4: Begin your line with “Who enjoys” and tell about 3 activities you enjoy
Line 5: Begin your line with “Who feels” and explain 3 three emotions you feel and when you feel them
Line 6: Begin your line with “Who needs” and explain 3 things you need in your life
Line 7: Begin your line with “Who gives” and explain 3 things you give to others
Line 8: Begin your line with “Who fears” and tell about 3 things you fear
Line 9: Begin your line with “Who would like to see” and tell about 3 things you would like to see in your lifetime
Line 10: Begin your line with “Who dislikes” and tell about 3 things you do not like
Line 11: Begin your line with “Who secretly has talents in” and list three talents others may not realize you have.
Line 12: Begin your line with “Whom others think of as” and list 3 words people would use to describe you
Line 13: Begin your line with “Who would like to be a resident of” and list 2 places you would love to live in your lifetime
Line 14: Your nickname
Line 15: Your last name

Due date October 23rd.
Worth 10 points (doubled)


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