Week of October 16-20

Period 1:
*Finished reading Act 4 of the Crucible
*Commonlit assessment questions for the passage of the Salem Witch Trials
*Read article about the girls from Le Roy and began writing essay that compared those girls to what happened in the play

Period 2 & 5:
*Read Elie Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech and answered questions from Commonlit
*Presented Nobel Peace Prize presentations
*Collected PeaceJam letters for event on November 11th

Period 3,4,6:
*Completed body paragraphs for Abigail Adams prompt
*Analyzed the Star-spangled banner
*Wrote a comment about the Star-spangled banner on the class website
*Watched a video dealing with digital citizenship and values matter
*Membean October assessment #2 is available on Friday, October 20th
**Wallstreet Journal assignment due next class

College Fair will be October 24th during last block.
End of the nine weeks is October 26th.
Teacher work day October 27th.


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