Week of October 23-26

Period 1:
*Watched documentary on Witch hunts and completed worksheet
*Completed essay on The Crucible

Period 2&5:
*Watched short bio video on Nelson Mandela
*Read Nelson Mandela Noble Peace Prize speech
*Discussed similarities to other Nobel Prize winners
*Answered assessment questions by October 27
*One Billion Acts worksheet
*Read about Peace Corps

Period 3,4,6:
*Collected Wallstreet Journal assignment
*Free response question on Sex Ed
*Read John Locke's Political Society
*Watched lecture from Harvard about John Locke
*Answer assessment questions by October 27
*Read excerpt from "Spirit of Laws" (Periods 4,6)
*Answer assessment questions by October 29 (Period 4,6)

Remember Membean for this week will count for the second nine weeks.


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