Week of October 9-13

Period 1:
*Practice for PSAT
*Intro quiz on the Crucible (notes and Acts 1&2)
*Finished reading Act 3
*Start working on Crucible project

Period 2 & 5:
*Took PeaceJam survey
*Watched video on the Nobel Peace Prize
*Issued Nobel Peace Prize project (researching a particular winner)
*Read Malala Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (Commonlit)
*Answered assessment questions

Period 3,4,6:
*Practice for PSAT
*Visual Rhetoric -- Mirror and Window effects
*Showed advertising campaigns and discussed their impacts and whether they were successful or not (Dove campaign, Nike, Pepsi)
*Created checkology.org accounts
*Reviewed Banneker rhetorical analysis scores
*Working on annotation using another AP Prompt
*Issued Wallstreet Journal assignment


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