C-SPAN Competition for AP Classes

C-SPAN StudentCam Competition (Second Nine Weeks Project)
This year’s theme is “The Constitution and You.” Choose a provision of the U.S. Constitution and create a video illustrating why it’s important to you.

Here is the list of deadlines:
1.       Select a provision of the Constitution you feel strongly about and explain why it is important to you. This is due by November 8 (Periods 4&6) or November 9 (Period 3)
2.       Find 3-4 sources that support your view of that provision of the Constitution.
Due by November 15 (Periods 4&6) or November 16 (Period 3)
*Remember you have access to free databases on your student portal under apps/services look for "Virtual Library"
3.       Find a video clip from C-SPAN that supports your provision.
Due by November 29 (Period 3) or November 30 (Period 4&6)
4.       Create your script for your video. Organize ideas, visuals and consider how you want to film your video.  For example, do you want to have your group members narrate or use cartoons to narrate, etc.
Due December 6 (Periods 4&6) or December 7 (Period 3)
5.       Begin filming week of December 11th
6.       Final products due week of January 8th.

·         Students can work on their own or with a group of no more than 3 people (no exceptions)
·         Completed videos must be at least 5 minutes long and up to 7 minutes (not including the end credits)
·         Credits must include students name, sources used, interviewed people, etc.

·         Must be under 2GB and using one of the following file types (.MP4 .AVI .MOV .MPG .MPG2 .MPEG2 .WMV)

Here are some helpful links:


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