Thanksgiving Basket collection (All classes)

To all my classes:
The school is collecting items to make Thanksgiving baskets for families in need this Thanksgiving. If you would like to bring items in here is a list of what they need:

_1 bag of beans
__2 cans of beans
__2 cans of vegetables (Green Beans, Peas and Corn)
__2 cans of fruit (peaches and pears)
__1 jar of Cranberry sauce
__1 box/bag of Stuffing Mix
__1 can of chicken broth
__1 large can of yams
__1 bag of pecans
__1 bag/box of brown sugar
__1 bag of marshmallow
__1 container of Crip French Fried Onion Topping
__1 can of turkey gravy
__1 box of instant mashed potatoes
__1 box of cake mix
__1 container of cake frosting
__1 box of Jello
__1 container of Quaker Oats oatmeal
__1 container of Parmalee or Alba milk
__1 large box of cereal
__1 box of cookies
__1 large box of Bisquick
__1 Pancake Syrup
__1 large jar of peanut butter
__1 large jar of jelly
__2 box of Macaroni and Cheese
__1 can of Spaghetti/Alfredo Sauce
__1 box of spaghetti/penne/fettuccine pasta
__1 box of crackers

Items are due by this Thursday, November 10th.
I am offering an hour of community service for every two items you bring in.
(Maximum of 5 hours for 10 items.)


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