Transcendentalism Project (Period 1)

We have read excerpts from Thoreau, Emerson, poems and song lyrics that are from the American Transcendentalist period.

It is now time for you to present what information you have learned from this period in American literature.

Using one of the following programs (Virtual Board, Powerpoint, Prezi) you will create a presentation where you share this information:
1. One of the major focuses of Transcendentalism and explain it in your own words.
2. Select a quote from a piece we have read and explain why you connect with it or why you like it.
3. Picture of a famous American Transcendentalist. (Include their name)
4. Select a poem, song or movie that you believe connects with Transcendentalism and explain the connection.

Presentations will begin November 27th.

Worth 10 points doubled.

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