Week of November 13-17

Period 1:
*Reading passage on Conformity and excerpt from "Self-Reliance" by Emerson
*Issued Transcendentalist Project
*Read Walt Whitman and Dickinson poem on Commonlit
*Watched video clip on the biography of Whitman and Dickinson
*Discussed how they relate to the Transcendental movement
*Answer assessment questions by 11/16
*Continue working on project due week of November 27th

Period 2&5:
*Everyday Edit Quiz
*Turned in Guided Reading questions for Part 1 (Chapters 1-11)
*Shared Sympathy poems in class and took home to print final draft
*Read FDR Inauguration Speech
*Passed out worksheet for Part 2 (Chapters 12-22) Guiding questions
*Collected Sympathy poem final drafts

Period 3,4,6:
*Practice AP Multiple Choice passage
*Collected sources with precis for C-SPAN project
*Begin to look for clips from C-SPAN
*Discuss possible people to interview for video
*Watch video on how to prepare for an interview Interview tips
*Watch 13th Documentary (Period 4&6)
*Second Membean assessment due before midnight 11/17


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