Week of November 6-9

Period 1:
*Shared 5 Essentials list
*Read together article about "Everyday Life" and completed guiding questions
*Watched video on the couple that lives like it were the 1900s
*Answered assessment questions for "Where I Lived" (Commonlit by November 8th)
*Veterans Day assignment
*Read "America the Beautiful" poem
*Membean due by November 12

Period 2&5:
*Everyday Edits
*Completed character chart for To Kill a Mockingbird
*Guiding Questions for Chapters 1-11 due by Monday, Nov. 13
*Read "Limits of Empathy" and answered guiding questions together
*Watched video clip on empathy and discussed
*Watched video clip on Paul Lawrence Dunbar
*Read "Sympathy" poem by Dunbar
*Writing your own poem modeling Dunbar's or related to showing empathy for someone or something (typed final draft due by Monday, Nov. 13)
*Membean due by November 12

Period 3,4,6:
*Watched Justice lecture video
*Periods 4&6 Moral Dilemmas passage and addressed justice, consequential vs categorical thinking
*C-SPAN Project was issued
*Selected Constitutional provisions
*Checkology assignment for Module 2 on the First Amendment due by November 12
*Membean due by November 12
*Bring in printed sources next class


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