Week of Oct. 30 - Nov 3

Period 1:
*Read Sleepy Hollow and completed worksheet
*Watched short video clip on Thoreau and his philosophy of Transcendendalism
*Read excerpt from Walden pgs. 207-216
*Completed a chart using examples of nature, emotions and imagination
*Began writing on five essential things for life
*Bring rough draft with typed final draft next class

Period 2 & 5:
*Completed Everyday edits
*Read "The Raven" and answered guiding questions together
*Watched a live-action version and cartoon version of "The Raven"
*Completed a Halloween Madlib story
*Began background information for To Kill a Mockingbird
*Read about the Scottsboro case and answered assessment questions
*Distributed novels and writing test scores (from August)

Period 3,4,6:
*Read "Spirit of Laws" and answered assessment questions (Period 3)
*Reviewed advertisements by watching short video clip
*Completed rhetorical chart based on individual candy
*Completed compare/contrast of candies in groups
*Completed a precis for "Bite Size Horror" clips
*Beginning synthesis essay practice (Practice prompt on Daylight Savings Time)
*November 3rd is the first Membean assessment for the month


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