Holiday Break Activities

AP Students:
*You should be completing the C-SPAN videos to submit to me the week of January 8-12.
*If you want extra writing practice I can provide you with some sample AP Prompts. (I will give extra credit points for completing two practice essays.  Essays due the day you return from break.)
*Complete Checkology lessons on "Recognizing Bias" and "Checking Credibility" (These lessons are in Module 4. Extra credit points will also be given for completing these lessons.)

English I Gifted Students:
*You can create a Shakespeare meme for the contest and turn it in upon return. (Extra credit points will be given.)
*Write a poem related to a holiday experience or a reflection of the past year. (Extra credit points will be given if completed correctly.)
           It must be a minimum of 20 lines.
           Does not have to rhyme.
           Must be typed.

English III Honors Students:
*Write a review of a place, restaurant, hotel, etc. that you go to while on the break or that you have visited recently.
Submit it to TripAdvisor and print out the confirmation of your review online.


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