Period 1 Chapter 13-16 questions

Chapter 13
1. Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with them?

2. There is "a caste system in Maycomb."  What does that mean?  Do caste systems still exist?  Explain.

Chapter 14
3. Why do Jem and Scout get in a fight?  Explain.

4. Who surprises Jem and Scout?

5. How does Jem  break "the remaining code of our childhood"?

Chapter 15
6. What are the two reasons why "grown men [stand] outside [on] the front yard?

7. What are Atticus' peculiarities?

8. Why was Atticus sitting outside of the jail?

Chapter 16
9. How did Scout help stop the mob (according to Atticus)?

10. Why do you think the author includes details about Mr. Dolphus Raymond and his family?  Explain.

Due on Monday, December 11th


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