Period 1 TKaMB Chapter 9-12 questions

Chapter 9
1.       What is Aunt Alexandra’s vision for what is “lady-like”?  How does Scout respond to that vision?

2.       What metaphor does Aunt Alexandra use to describe the role that Scout should play in her father’s life because she is a girl?

3.       What does “nigger-lover” mean to the residents of Maycomb?  Explain

4.       How does Atticus explain his reasons for defending Tom Robinson?

Chapter 10
5.       Why does Atticus say, “it is a sin to kill a mockingbird”?  Explain.

6.       What does Atticus do in this chapter that changes Scout and Jem’s opinion of their father?

7.       Miss Maudie says, “People in their right minds never take pride in their talents.”  What does she mean?

Chapter 11
8.       What does Jem do to Mrs. Dubose’s flowers?  Why?

9.       What is Jem’s punishment?

10.   How does Atticus define “real courage”?

11.   What does it mean to be able to live with one’s self?

Chapter 12
12.   How has Jem changed since he turned 12?  Explain.

13.   How do the members of Calpurnia’s church treat Jem and Scout?  What does this show about them?

14.   Who taught Calpurnia to read?


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