Week of December 4-8

Period 1:
*Collected Chapter 5-8 reading questions
*Reviewed main points from Chapters 1-4
*Collected Chapter 9-12 reading questions
*Read The Scottsboro Boys on Commonlit
*Answer assessment questions
*Read Chapters 13-16 and complete reading questions for homework
*Quiz on Part 1 of novel will be Monday, December 11th
*Complete Membean by Sunday

Period 2&5:
*Collected Guiding questions for part three of TKaMB
*Took Midyear Assessment (MYA)
*Continued with Everyday Edits practice
*Read Mississippi school bans To Kill a Mockingbird article
*Issued TKaMB essay topics (to complete for homework by Sunday, December 10th and submit on turnitin.com)
*Completed character reactions worksheet to the Tom Robinson trial
*Continue working on TKaMB projects due the week of December 18th
*Complete Membean by Sunday

Period 3,4,6:
*Began Environmental Debate topics (with groups)
*Complete group worksheet
*Reviewed Synthesis essays (gave feedback)
*C-SPAN scripts were due
*Complete Membean by Sunday


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