Week of Nov. 27th

Period 1
*Presented Transcendentalist projects
*Read together Inaugural Address of FDR (Commonlit)
*Answered assessment questions
*Read together about the Great Depression
*Character worksheet for To Kill a Mockingbird novel
*Chapter 1-4 questions for homework

Period 2 & 5
*Completed Everyday Edit
*Collected Part 2 Guiding questions
*Completed trial witnesses worksheet
*Handed out Part 3 Guiding questions (due Monday or Tuesday depending on period)
*Part I quiz
*Read together about Tribalism (Commonlit)
*Answer assessment questions

Period 3,4,6
*Continued working on C-SPAN project (link to video clips and scripts)
*Completed a practice AP Synthesis essay
*Reviewed sample synthesis essay
*First Membean assessment for December

ALL CLASSES need to complete 45 minutes of membean by Sunday.


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