Week of January 22-26, 2018
We have officially begun the third nine weeks! Period 1: *Started reading The Great Gatsby *Read "The Lost Generation" passage on Commonlit *Completed assessment questions for the passage *Visited the Wolfsonian museum for the Zines for Progress Project *Zine covers are due on Monday, January 29th Period 2 & 5: *Everyday Edits *Continued reading Of Mice and Men *Continued working on essays for contest *Essays must be uploaded to Turnitin.com by Monday, January 29th Periods 3,4,6: *Began Price Gouging essay contest *Rough drafts must be uploaded to Turnitin.com by Tuesday, January 30th (Period 4&6) or Tuesday, January 31st (Period 3) Period 3 Turnitin.com account info Enrollment Key: Manfra3 (make sure first letter is capital and no space between name and number) Class ID: 16467419 Period 4 Turnitin.com account info Enrollment Key: Manfra4 (make sure first letter is capital and no space between name and number) Class ID: 16467421 Period...