Week of January 8-12

I hope everyone has had a good first week back and is having a good start to 2018.

Period 1:
*Next Magazine assignment
*Guest speaker from Wolfsonian came on Wednesday to talk about Zines project
*Decide on your Zine topics and who you will be working with
*Membean (last grade for the second nine weeks)

Period 2 & 5:
*Finished Everyday Edit worksheet
*Began Of Mice and Men
*Character worksheet due next week
*Membean (last grade for the second nine weeks)

Period 3,4, 6:
*C-SPAN final videos due
*Begin learning requirements of Question 3 essay (Open-ended argument)
*Membean (last grade for the second nine weeks)
*First Membean assessment for January (counts for third nine weeks)
**Register for the SAT and ACT in order to get extra credit for the third and/or fourth nine weeks

Remember no school on Monday -- Martin Luther King day
Take your child to work day forms are due by January 26th.


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