AP Classes Question three prompt

This week I reviewed how you need to answer the open-ended essay on the AP exam.
I returned your responses to the Sex Ed prompt I had given you back in October.  Here is the prompt:

According to Bob Smith, "Our schools only teach the most basic principles of human reproduction: naming and identifying the sexual organs and a simple explanation of how the sperm fertilizes the ovum. If mathematics was taught in the same cursory manner as human sexuality, when children learned to count they would be considered masters of the subject."

While Martha Cornog states: "Will sex education reduce or end AIDS, adolescent pregnancy, prostitution, and sexual exploitation? Frankly, we do not know. But silence on sexual matters does not appear to be an option either ideologically or practically. Ideologically, ignorance is no advantage when others have knowledge, especially knowledge misused, and people who know nothing of sex can take risks unknowingly and be taken advantage of."

What is your opinion regarding the subject of sex education? Do you agree or disagree with Smith or Cornog? You can use examples from your own life or outside sources to elaborate.

You will submit to me your rough draft with a TYPED and Double-Spaced final draft on Monday or Tuesday.
Monday, Jan. 22 for Periods 4 & 6
Tuesday, Jan. 23 for Period 3
This assignment is worth 10 points and is one of the first grades for the third nine weeks.


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