Introduction to Shakespeare (Periods 2 & 5)

In class you watched the video about Shakespeare's life and times.
Here is the link: Shakespeare Life and Times
You will complete a Kahoot quiz based on the information from the video.
Here is the link to the Kahoot: Shakespeare quiz
I also introduced you to sonnets.
We read together the sonnet by Claude McKay "America" and for homework will write your own sonnet.
You must upload your sonnet to and you must follow the English Sonnet rhyme scheme: ababcdcdefefgg
As far as the topic of your sonnet is concerned, you can pick your own topic.
If you would like to challenge yourself, try to include iambic pentameter in each line.
*Remember an iamb is one unstressed syllable next to a stressed syllable and you would have five iambs to equal a pentameter.

Make sure to signin with your name for Kahoot so I can give you credit for completing it.

Image result for shakespeare


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