Week of Feb. 20-23

Period 1:
*Read Chapter 7 from The Great Gatsby
*Collected research for Zines
*Working on overall design of Zine
*Completed Zines due next week

Period 2&5:
*Read ACTS 3 & 4 (and 5 with Period 2)
*Quiz on Act 1
*Collected Act 2 & 3 worksheet
*Everyday Edit Quiz

Period 3,4,6:
*JFK Speech annotation
*Review practice AP Argumentative essays
*Peer scored essays
*Looked at appass.com website to help calculate AP score
*Satire notes
*Commonlit passage using satire / answer assessment questions
*Create your own satire
**Satires can be written (for example: newspaper article, essay), political cartoons, skits, or parodies
If you have a question about the satire assignment see me or send me a remind message
*Second Membean assessment on February 23rd

PROGRESS REPORTS distributed February 23rd


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