Week of Feb. 5-9

Period 1:
*Read Chapters 4 & 5 of The Great Gatsby
*Completed ACT practice packet
*Turned in Character Charts
*Turned in written element for Zines
*Completed chart for the symbolism of colors in the novel

Period 2 & 5:
*Submitted Peer Review assignment for Of Mice and Men essays
*Submitted final drafts of essays
*Watched video on the life and times of Shakespeare
*Learned about the sonnet structure
*Read "America" a sonnet by Claude McKay
*On your own completed a Kahoot quiz on Shakespeare
*Students will write their own sonnet for homework
Here is the link to the Kahoot to review Drama terms: Drama Terms Review

Period 3,4,6:
*Submitted final drafts of Price Gouging essay
*Completed a reflection of price gouging essay
*Learned a strategy for argumentative essays for the AP exam
*Completing practice Elie Wiesel prompt in class
*Elie Wiesel "Peril's of Indifference" Speech


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