Week of Jan. 29 - Feb 2

Period 1:
*Read Chapter 2 & 3 of The Great Gatsby
*Continue filling out character chart
*Turn in covers for Zines
*ACT Practice
*Complete assessment for Roaring Twenties passage on Commonlit
**Written element for Zines due on Tuesday

Period 2 & 5:
*Everyday Edit practice
*Of Mice and Men rough drafts and peer edit assignment
*Completed Writescore assessment

Period 3,4,6:
*Price Gouging rough drafts due
*Giving feedback on essays
*Complete assessment questions for "Capitalism" and "Life is not Fair" on Commonlit
*Final drafts due on turnitin.com next week
**Illustration below may give you some insight into the Price Gouging argument.

Image result for equality illustration


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