Great Gatsby Project (Period 1)

Now that we have finished reading the novel, you will be analyzing why this novel still applies to our culture today.  Using Powerpoint, Prezi or another presentation program you will put together a presentation with the following slides:

Slide 1 -- An image that represents the novel for you.  When you present you need to explain why you picked the specific image as far as how it represents the book.

Slide 2 -- List four facts about the author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Slide 3 -- What character was your favorite?  Explain why you liked them and include a picture of what you think they looked like.

Slide 4 -- The setting of the novel takes place in New York.  If you were to modernize the novel, where would you have it take place.  Explain your reason.

Slide 5 -- Pick one of the following themes to explain: society and class, love, memory and the past, lies and deceit, or religion.  Explain a specific part from the book that demonstrates this theme and why it is important.

Slide 6 -- We looked at the colors and their symbolism in the novel.  It is your turn to pick a color that represents you and explain why it does.

Slide 7 -- Gatsby had an American dream that kept him going.  What is your American dream?  Explain something that keeps you motivated.

Slide 8 -- I played for you the song "Rhapsody in Blue," which is a famous song from the 1920s.  Pick a song from the 1920s and include a link to it.

Slide 9 -- Pick a quote from the book and explain why you think it represents the book well.

Slide 10 -- What will you remember about the novel?  Explain.  (This is your opinion.)

Projects will be presented March 13th and are worth 10 points doubled.

Image result for the great gatsby images


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