Week of April 2-6

Period 1:
*Introduction to ALS
*Lou Gherig speech
*Commonlit questions for Stephen Hawking passage
*Begin reading Tuesdays with Morrie pg. 1-61
*Keep a daily journal about things you are thankful for
*Showed video of Nightline special with Morrie
*Read "Three Types of Friendship" and answer assessment questions on Commonlit

Period 2 & 5:
*Introduction to Ray Bradbury and science fiction
Ray Bradbury Info
Definition of Science Fiction
*Watch interview with Bradbury
*Read "The Pedestrian" by Bradbury and discussed Science fiction elements
*Read "Burning a Book" answer questions for homework
*Noredink practice for Semi-colons
*Character worksheet for Fahrenheit 451
*Start reading Fahrenheit 451 in class (Part 1)
*Noredink practice for Parallel structure
*Allusions assignment
*Intro quiz next class

Period 3,4,6:
*Collected documentary worksheet (Spring Break assignment)
*World Energy Game assignment 2
*Practice rhetorical analysis of JFK speech
*Rhetorical essay strategy (PTWE)
*Definitions of common rhetorical devices
*Collect articles about the cost of college
*Create a synthesis prompt using college articles
*First Membean assessment for April

Looking forward to my birthday on Sunday. ;)


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