Week of April 9-13

Period 1:
*Reading Tuesdays with Morrie
*Read "Coping Mechanisms" passage on Commonlit
*Answer assessment questions
*Turn in five what you are thankful for journal entries

Period 2 & 5:
*Introduction quiz for Fahrenheit 451
*Allusion presentations
*Reading "Censorship" Commonlit
*Answer assessment questions
*Review for FSA Reading test

Period 3,4,6:
*Pre-administration for AP (bubble sheets)
*World Energy Game Week 3 questions
*Review of Week 2 questions
*Quick write

All classes need to complete Membean sessions by Sunday before midnight.

Schedule for next week is:
Monday -- 1,3,5 (Period 5 FSA testing)
Tuesday -- 1,3,5 (Period 5 FSA testing)
Wednesday -- 2,4,6 (Period 2 FSA testing)
Thursday -- 2,4,6 (Period 2 FSA testing)
Friday -- 3,5,1


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