World Energy Game Assignment 4 (AP Classes)

1. Prepare a five minute presentation with your group addressing:
a. Who are the members of your sector? What are your main issues?
b. Your team's proposal -- What does your team propose to change and how will your contributions help reach the 2-degrees goal?
c. How does your sector relate to the other sectors, and what partnerships and requests do you seek from other teams?

2. What issues do you think may arise with your proposal? Do you think the other groups will easily accept your proposals, or do you think some groups will feel that your group is "asking for too much"? List these and how you plan to address them.

3. Prepare your input sheets for Game Day. (I will provide the sheet to your group)
Use the En-ROADS program En-Roads link

4. Prepare your debate points for Game Day.

All team members should contribute. The member attending the final game day will present the speech to the class to see if it is logical as well as get feedback in order to make any corrections, etc.


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