College Research Project (Period 1)

Part 1: Select a college/university that you would be interested in applying to. (Refer to list in NEXT magazine of you need ideas)
Part 2: Begin research by going to the school's website
Part 3: Create a Powerpoint, Prezi or use Google Slides
Include the following information:

Slide 1 – Name of school, picture, and location

Slide 2 – Cost to attend school (tuition, room and board, meal plans, etc.)

Slide 3 – Programs of study (Majors, programs, etc.)

Slide 4 – Admission requirements (GPA, test scores, community service, etc.)

Slide 5 – Enrollment (student to teacher ratio)

Slide 6 – Extracurricular (athletic programs, sororities/fraternities, organizations)

Slide 7 – Ratings (example: Has it been rated as a top school for academics or a party school?)

Slide 8 – Would you recommend applying?

Slide 9 – Interesting info, school mascot, video, comments

Slide 10 – Works cited (websites, books or magazines used to obtain information)

Part 4: Presentation
Have project ready to present on May 8th or 10th


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