
Showing posts from December, 2017

Holiday Break Activities

AP Students: *You should be completing the C-SPAN videos to submit to me the week of January 8-12. *If you want extra writing practice I can provide you with some sample AP Prompts. (I will give extra credit points for completing two practice essays.  Essays due the day you return from break.) *Complete Checkology lessons on "Recognizing Bias" and "Checking Credibility" (These lessons are in Module 4. Extra credit points will also be given for completing these lessons.) English I Gifted Students: *You can create a Shakespeare meme for the contest and turn it in upon return. ( Extra credit points will be given.) *Write a poem related to a holiday experience or a reflection of the past year. ( Extra credit points will be given if completed correctly.)            It must be a minimum of 20 lines.            Does not have to rhyme.            Must be typed. English III Honors Studen...

Periods 2 & 5 -- Tolerance Activity

We have read the passage on "Tolerance" by E.M. Forster, the "We and They" by Rudyard Kipling, and song lyrics "People are People" by Depeche Mode. Now you will post below a poem, song lyrics, television show, movie or novel that you believe also addresses the theme of Tolerance.  Make sure to explain the connection in your post. Remember to include your name and period. Post must be made before December 22nd.

Week of December 11-15

Period 1: *Completed questions for Chapters 13-16 *Completed worksheet of witnesses from trial chapters *Completed worksheet of character reactions to the trial verdict *Read passage on Tribalism from Commonlit *Answered assessment questions *Completed Open book quiz on Chapters 24-29 Period 2 & 5: *Everyday Edit Quiz *Read passage on Tolerance *Read poem "We and They" and connected it to Tolerance *Worked on TKaMB project *Projects due next week Period 3,4,6: *Preparing arguments for environmental debates *In-class debates *Second Membean assessment on Friday *PSAT scores were released this week.

Environmental Debates

You have done research, observed and taken notes on an actual debate, and have developed your arguments for and against your given topics. On Thursday, December 14th Periods 4 & 6 will have your in-class debates. On Friday, December 15th Period 3 will have your in-class debates. Here is what the procedures will be: 1. Teams will go in order, starting with Topic 1 and ending with Topic 4. 2. Each team member will turn in an argument they have developed for their side.  For example, if you agree with the Clean Power Plan you will have one reason why, with supporting evidence and the short or long term impact. 3. Each speaker will have 2-3 minutes to speak .  The first minute there can be no questions asked, but after the first minute members from the opposite side can ask questions.  It is up to the person whether they take the question or they can respectfully tell the person they will try to get to their question later. 4. The first speaker for each topic wi...

Week of December 4-8

Period 1: *Collected Chapter 5-8 reading questions *Reviewed main points from Chapters 1-4 *Collected Chapter 9-12 reading questions *Read The Scottsboro Boys on Commonlit *Answer assessment questions *Read Chapters 13-16 and complete reading questions for homework *Quiz on Part 1 of novel will be Monday, December 11th *Complete Membean by Sunday Period 2&5: *Collected Guiding questions for part three of TKaMB *Took Midyear Assessment (MYA) *Continued with Everyday Edits practice *Read  Mississippi school bans To Kill a Mockingbird article *Issued TKaMB essay topics (to complete for homework by Sunday, December 10th and submit on *Completed character reactions worksheet to the Tom Robinson trial *Continue working on TKaMB projects due the week of December 18th *Complete Membean by Sunday Period 3,4,6: *Began Environmental Debate topics (with groups) *Complete group worksheet *Reviewed Synthesis essays (gave feedback) *C-SPAN scripts were du...

Period 1 Chapter 13-16 questions

Chapter 13 1. Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with them? 2. There is "a caste system in Maycomb."  What does that mean?  Do caste systems still exist?  Explain. Chapter 14 3. Why do Jem and Scout get in a fight?  Explain. 4. Who surprises Jem and Scout? 5. How does Jem  break "the remaining code of our childhood"? Chapter 15 6. What are the two reasons why "grown men [stand] outside [on] the front yard? 7. What are Atticus' peculiarities? 8. Why was Atticus sitting outside of the jail? Chapter 16 9. How did Scout help stop the mob (according to Atticus)? 10. Why do you think the author includes details about Mr. Dolphus Raymond and his family?  Explain. Due on Monday, December 11th

Period 1 TKaMB Chapter 9-12 questions

Chapter 9 1.        What is Aunt Alexandra’s vision for what is “lady-like”?  How does Scout respond to that vision? 2.        What metaphor does Aunt Alexandra use to describe the role that Scout should play in her father’s life because she is a girl? 3.        What does “nigger-lover” mean to the residents of Maycomb?  Explain 4.        How does Atticus explain his reasons for defending Tom Robinson? Chapter 10 5.        Why does Atticus say, “it is a sin to kill a mockingbird”?  Explain. 6.        What does Atticus do in this chapter that changes Scout and Jem’s opinion of their father? 7.        Miss Maudie says, “People in their right minds never take pride in their talents.”  What does she mean? Chapter 11 8.  ...

Week of Nov. 27th

Period 1 *Presented Transcendentalist projects *Read together Inaugural Address of FDR (Commonlit) *Answered assessment questions *Read together about the Great Depression *Character worksheet for To Kill a Mockingbird novel *Chapter 1-4 questions for homework Period 2 & 5 *Completed Everyday Edit *Collected Part 2 Guiding questions *Completed trial witnesses worksheet *Handed out Part 3 Guiding questions (due Monday or Tuesday depending on period) *Part I quiz *Read together about Tribalism (Commonlit) *Answer assessment questions Period 3,4,6 *Continued working on C-SPAN project (link to video clips and scripts) *Completed a practice AP Synthesis essay *Reviewed sample synthesis essay *First Membean assessment for December ALL CLASSES need to complete 45 minutes of membean by Sunday.

To Kill a Mockingbird Project (Periods 2 & 5)

Select one of the following options: A.  Create a collage.  Collage must include the following: five quotes from the novel, 10 images that represent a mix of characters, setting, events from the novel. On back of collage include a description of the images you selected and why you picked them. B.  Modernize the novel.   (Can work with a group of up to three people) Bring all aspects of the novel into present day. Where would your setting take place?  What major event would impact your characters?  What historical aspects would you include?  What would be the backgrounds of your characters? Present using Powerpoint or another presentation program. C. Create a picture book that would teach an elementary student about the novel.  Include main characters, setting, major themes.  A minimum of 10 pages. D. Put together a talk show.   (Can work with up to four people) You will interview the characters from the book as if they w...

Period 1 TKaMB Guiding Questions

Chapter 5 1. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says Jem "gets more like Jack Finch every day"? 2. What is the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law?  Explain in your own words. 3. Why do you think Jem states at the end of the chapter: "I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I ain't so sure now"? Chapter 6 4. What happens with the kids and Mr. Radley? 5.  Why is it so important for Jem to get his pants from the Radley fence? 6. Why does Scout feel that she is growing apart from her brother? Chapter 7 7. What things do Scout and Jem find in the tree?  Why are they significant? 8. Why does Jem cry at the end of this chapter?  Explain. Chapter 8 9. How does Jem respond to his father's compliment about the snowman? 10. How does the community respond to Miss Maudie's house when it is on fire?  What does this demonstrate about her neighbors? Due on Tuesday, December 5.