
Showing posts from November, 2017

To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1 Quiz Review (Periods 2 & 5)

1.     Author of the novel 2.     Setting of the novel 3.     What historical case is associated with the novel. (Hint – commonlit passage) 4.     Main characters so far 5.     Who says, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”? 6.     What happens to Scout on her first day of school? 7.     What lesson does Atticus teach Scout? 8.     Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil and her cousin? 9.     What happens to Miss Maudie’s house because of the cold? 10.                        Who comes to visit them over Christmas?  What does he bring them? 11.                        Who does Atticus shoot? 12.  ...

Script for Documentary (AP Classes)

For your documentary scripts you need to include the following information: The breakdown of minutes The image or video that will be on screen (you can give a brief description) Any sound (voice narration, music, or sounds) Here is an example: Your script must include up to five minutes with a maximum of seven minutes. Due December 6th (Periods 4&6) and December 7 (Period 3)


Hope you have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving .  Remember no membean this week. :) Spirit Week Monday, November 27 -- Mismatch day Tuesday, November 28 -- Character day Wednesday, November 29 -- Sports day Thursday, November 30 -- Dynamic duos day Friday, December 1 -- Green out the den day

Week of November 13-17

Period 1: *Reading passage on Conformity and excerpt from "Self-Reliance" by Emerson *Issued Transcendentalist Project *Read Walt Whitman and Dickinson poem on Commonlit *Watched video clip on the biography of Whitman and Dickinson *Discussed how they relate to the Transcendental movement *Answer assessment questions by 11/16 *Continue working on project due week of November 27th Period 2&5: *Everyday Edit Quiz *Turned in Guided Reading questions for Part 1 (Chapters 1-11) *Shared Sympathy poems in class and took home to print final draft *Read FDR Inauguration Speech *Passed out worksheet for Part 2 (Chapters 12-22) Guiding questions *Collected Sympathy poem final drafts Period 3,4,6: *Practice AP Multiple Choice passage *Collected sources with precis for C-SPAN project *Begin to look for clips from C-SPAN *Discuss possible people to interview for video *Watch video on how to prepare for an interview  Interview tips *Watch 13th Documentary (Period ...

Transcendentalism Project (Period 1)

We have read excerpts from Thoreau, Emerson, poems and song lyrics that are from the American Transcendentalist period. It is now time for you to present what information you have learned from this period in American literature. Using one of the following programs (Virtual Board, Powerpoint, Prezi) you will create a presentation where you share this information: 1. One of the major focuses of Transcendentalism and explain it in your own words. 2. Select a quote from a piece we have read and explain why you connect with it or why you like it. 3. Picture of a famous American Transcendentalist. (Include their name) 4. Select a poem, song or movie that you believe connects with Transcendentalism and explain the connection. Presentations will begin November 27th. Worth 10 points doubled.

C-SPAN Sources Assignment (AP classes)

When submitting your sources you need to make sure you have the following: 1. Printed sources (article, graphs/ statistics, images, etc.)      *Remember that you should include one supporting and one opposing source. 2.  Your source is annotated (important information highlighted or underlined, notes, etc.) 3.  Written precis (printed or hand-written)       *Refer to the following website for help with writing your precis:  Precis link If you are working with a group then each group member is responsible for one. If you are working by yourself then your are responsible for bringing in three sources. Due 11/15 for Periods 4 & 6 Due 11/16 for Period 3 Any questions, please send me a remind.

Week of November 6-9

Period 1: *Shared 5 Essentials list *Read together article about "Everyday Life" and completed guiding questions *Watched video on the couple that lives like it were the 1900s *Answered assessment questions for "Where I Lived" (Commonlit by November 8th) *Veterans Day assignment *Read "America the Beautiful" poem *Membean due by November 12 Period 2&5: *Everyday Edits *Completed character chart for To Kill a Mockingbird *Guiding Questions for Chapters 1-11 due by Monday, Nov. 13 *Read "Limits of Empathy" and answered guiding questions together *Watched video clip on empathy and discussed *Watched video clip on Paul Lawrence Dunbar *Read "Sympathy" poem by Dunbar *Writing your own poem modeling Dunbar's or related to showing empathy for someone or something (typed final draft due by Monday, Nov. 13) *Membean due by November 12 Period 3,4,6: *Watched Justice lecture video *Periods 4&6 Moral Dilemmas passa...

C-SPAN Competition for AP Classes

C-SPAN StudentCam Competition (Second Nine Weeks Project) This year’s theme is “The Constitution and You.” Choose a provision of the U.S. Constitution and create a video illustrating why it’s important to you . Here is the list of deadlines: 1.        Select a provision of the Constitution you feel strongly about and explain why it is important to you. This is due by November 8 (Periods 4&6) or November 9 (Period 3) 2.        Find 3-4 sources that support your view of that provision of the Constitution. Due by November 15 (Periods 4&6) or November 16 (Period 3) *Remember you have access to free databases on your student portal under apps/services look for "Virtual Library" 3.        Find a video clip from C-SPAN that supports your provision. Due by November 29 (Period 3) or November 30 (Period 4&6) 4.        Create your script for your v...

Thanksgiving Basket collection (All classes)

To all my classes: The school is collecting items to make Thanksgiving baskets for families in need this Thanksgiving. If you would like to bring items in here is a list of what they need: _1 bag of beans __2 cans of beans __2 cans of vegetables (Green Beans, Peas and Corn) __2 cans of fruit (peaches and pears) __1 jar of Cranberry sauce __1 box/bag of Stuffing Mix __1 can of chicken broth __1 large can of yams __1 bag of pecans __1 bag/box of brown sugar __1 bag of marshmallow __1 container of Crip French Fried Onion Topping __1 can of turkey gravy __1 box of instant mashed potatoes __1 box of cake mix __1 container of cake frosting __1 box of Jello __1 container of Quaker Oats oatmeal __1 container of Parmalee or Alba milk __1 large box of cereal __1 box of cookies __1 large box of Bisquick __1 Pancake Syrup __1 large jar of peanut butter __1 large jar of jelly __2 box of Macaroni and Cheese __1 can of Spaghetti/Alfredo Sauce __1 box of spaghetti/penne/f...

Week of Oct. 30 - Nov 3

Period 1: *Read Sleepy Hollow and completed worksheet *Watched short video clip on Thoreau and his philosophy of Transcendendalism *Read excerpt from Walden pgs. 207-216 *Completed a chart using examples of nature, emotions and imagination *Began writing on five essential things for life *Bring rough draft with typed final draft next class Period 2 & 5: *Completed Everyday edits *Read "The Raven" and answered guiding questions together *Watched a live-action version and cartoon version of "The Raven" *Completed a Halloween Madlib story *Began background information for To Kill a Mockingbird *Read about the Scottsboro case and answered assessment questions *Distributed novels and writing test scores (from August) Period 3,4,6: *Read "Spirit of Laws" and answered assessment questions (Period 3) *Reviewed advertisements by watching short video clip *Completed rhetorical chart based on individual candy *Completed compare/contrast of ca...